What's in my purse?

1:35 PM Truth Or Flair 0 Comments

We often say: Never a look into a girl's purse! But I think there is 3 exceptions;
1. She asked you to look for something in it.
2. She's your homegirl!
3. She decided to do a little What's in my purse!

You've guessed... You're part of the third option! How clever you are! Now that it's settled, let's begin, shall we...

This is my purse of the moment... I say that because I constantly change purses but I've been using this one for the last couple of days and that's a pretty long journey in the life of one of my bags! I got this pretty baby at H&M for only 7$. Previously 29,95$CAD, I was more than happy to see that it was on sale!

 First thing out of my bag? My wallet of course! Being a shopalcoolic gotta need that wallet to get these clothes! I love this navy blue classic wallet with round studs on top.

Other important stuff... House keys, my favorite gum, my eos handcream and my Tide to go. The last one is really practical because of all the stains that I managed to do on my clothes!

Next thing, my sunglasses. These ones are from Aldo, and again, studs are always a big hit for me. This pair is my favorite one and that's why I put it in this polka dot case from Bizou.

Last items, oil-absorbing sheets that instantly remove excess oil, a hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works, a Baby lips, a deodorant and an antiseptic oral rinse!

To that you can add some candy wraps, old bills and forgotten lipsticks and you've got my bag!

Amira -xx-


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